These General Terms and Conditions of Sale govern the purchase, by means of telematics or by telephone, of products (the "Products") presented on the Site (the "Site"), operated by F.J. Tytherleigh Italia S.r.l., with registered office at Via dell'Artigianato75/77, 57121, Livorno(LI) - ITALY, registered with the Companies' Register of Livorno, Tax code and VAT number: 00978520492 (hereinafter referred to as "FJT" for brevity).
These Terms and Conditions constitute an integral and essential part of the contract for the purchase of any Product.
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale exclusively regulate the offer, transmission, acceptance, shipping, mode of purchase and the right of withdrawal of purchase orders of Products on the Site and therefore between users of and the company FJT.
Therefore, these General Terms and Conditions of Sale do not, on the other hand, regulate the provision of services or sale of products by parties other than FJT, which are present on the Site through hyperlinks, links or banners. Before purchasing products and services from parties other than FJT, we recommend that you carefully check the terms of sale, because FJT is not responsible for the provision of services by third parties or for the conclusion of contracts between users and third parties. If you have any questions, please contact us directly by sending an e-mail to
The purchase of the Products shall be governed, in addition to these Introduction and the special conditions of each individual order, exclusively by the provisions contained in the following paragraphs of these General Conditions of Sale. Finally, it should be noted that the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale referring to Consumers (as defined below) shall apply exclusively to persons falling under the relevant definition. Consumers will benefit, in particular, from all the protections provided in the case of conclusion of distance contracts under Title III, Section II, of Legislative Decree No. 206 of September 6, 2005 ("Consumer Code"), as well as all the additional protections provided, in favor of Consumers, by the Consumer Code itself and any other applicable law.
FJT customer service is available for information, complaints and disputes:
at the following e-mail address:
1. Scope of application. Definitions
1.1 These Terms and Conditions apply with respect to all Orders for the purchase of Products submitted to FJT through the Site.
1.2 Within these Terms and Conditions the following definitions apply:
"Consumer" means any natural person who places an Order for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity;
"Business Person" means any natural or legal person who places an Order in the course of his or her business, trade, craft or profession, or an intermediary thereof;
"Customer" means, as the case may be, a Consumer and/or a Business Person;
"Site" means the Web site;
"Product" means any product offered by FJT S.r.l. for consideration or free of charge to the Customer through the Site;
"Contract" means any agreement between FJT and a Customer about the Customer's purchase of one or more Products, concluded, depending on the medium used, in the manner set forth in Section 3.3 or Section 3.4;
"Working day" means any day of the week, with the exception of Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays under Italian law and the Ambrosian holiday of December 7;
"Order" means any proposal concerning the purchase of one or more Products, made by the Customer to FJT, alternately, depending on the means used, in the manner provided in Section 3.3 or Section 3.4
2. Downloading and consulting the terms and conditions of the Contract
2.1 The Customer may save and retain a copy of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, as well as all documents comprising the Contract relating to the Products purchased on the Site, by using the normal features of his or her browser (e.g., "File" -> "Save As"). You may also download these General Terms and Conditions of Sale in PDF format and archive them, by clicking HERE. To view the PDF file, you must use the free Adobe Reader ( or other equivalent PDF-compatible programs.
2.2 In addition, the Customer may store the data of its Order, either by making use of the features of its browser, as provided in Article 2.1 above and saving the data summarized in the last web page preceding the submission of each Order, or by waiting for the Order Confirmation e-mail that FJT will send, following the submission of the Order, to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer. Such confirmation e-mail will contain the details of the Order placed by the Customer, as well as these General Terms and Conditions of Sale. This information can be easily printed or saved, making use of the functions of your e-mail program.
2.3 The data of each Order will be saved by FJT on its systems. In order to preserve the confidentiality of such information, access to it by the Customer will be allowed only after authentication in the restricted area of the Site called "My Account", through the entry by the Customer of special of access credentials that will be assigned to him at the time of registration to the Site itself. FJT advises its Customers to change these credentials immediately after the first access. In this restricted area, by entering their credentials, the Customer will be able to consult the Contracts already concluded, pending and newly placed Orders, as well as update and save their contact details, and/or data related to the subscription to the newsletter service and any other data and information provided. The Customer agrees to treat its access credentials to the above-mentioned restricted area of the Site confidentially, not to make them available to third parties and to change them periodically in order to prevent any abuse by third parties.
3. Conclusion of the Contract
3.1 Contracts relating to the purchase of Products will be made exclusively in the Italian language (Also in English??).
3.2 The presentation of the Products on the Site constitutes an invitation addressed to the users of the Site to formulate, towards FJT, a purchase proposal. Such invitations to offer are not binding for FJT and, in particular, do not constitute offers to the public pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 1336 of the Italian Civil Code, it remaining in the full discretion of FJT to make any decision regarding the acceptance of any proposals made by Customers, also depending on the actual availability of the Products and the place where they are to be delivered.
3.3 Conclusion of the contract via the Internet
3.3.1 In order to proceed with the purchase of one or more Products through the Internet, it is not necessary for the Customer to register in advance on the Site, it being sufficient for the Customer to provide FJT, in compliance with the applicable provisions on the protection of personal data, with all the data necessary to allow FJT itself to accept and execute the Orders placed, authorizing it to process them also in accordance with the GDPR 2016/679.
3.3.2 Once the Customer has accessed the Site, he/she may select one or more of the Products of which he/she intends to make a purchase by placing them in a virtual "shopping cart", the contents of which he/she may always view or modify before placing the Order.
3.3.3 By clicking on the "Proceed to Purchase" button, the Customer will initiate the Order submission process. During the formulation of the Order and until its actual submission, the Customer will, however, have the opportunity to review the data entered by clicking on the "Back" button, so as to identify and correct any incorrect information.
3.3.4 By clicking on the "Proceed with Order" button, upon completion of the procedure initiated pursuant to paragraph 3.3.3 above, the Customer will place the Order against FJT. Any Order submitted in this manner shall be deemed, for all purposes, to be a contractual proposal of the Customer. The placing of the Order by the Customer will be promptly followed by confirmation from FJT regarding the receipt of the Order by sending an e-mail to the e-mail account communicated by the Customer. By sending such e-mail, FJT will also inform the Customer whether or not the Order can be accepted (the Order Confirmation).
3.3.5 FJT shall be entitled to accept or not accept the Orders received without, in case of non-acceptance, the Customer being entitled to make any right or claim against FJT for any reason whatsoever. The Order shall in any case be deemed accepted - and consequently the Contract concluded - when the Customer receives, on its e-mail address, the e-mail containing the confirmation of acceptance of the Order by FJT.
4. Information and warranties on products for sale
The Products offered by FJT on the Site are usually in stock at the time of the Order. That said, the actual availability of a Product is moreover only indicative, depending among other things on the number and size of orders placed by Customers in the very short period. Orders may therefore be subject to quantity limitations and Products are offered within the limits of actual stock availability. In case of lack of one or more Products, this will be promptly communicated by FJT, which reserves the right to propose to the Customer to modify the Order made or to cancel it, returning in the latter case any amount paid by the Customer in the immediately following days and in any case within a maximum period of 14 days from the date of payment.
4.1 The Products offered by FJT on its Site are exclusively Products considered "premium" and first quality. These Products are the result of scrupulous and constant research and are purchased directly by FJT from farms, olive growers, producers and retailers carefully selected for their attention and care in producing and marketing premium Products and for their strict quality control. FJT does not sell irregular, counterfeit or substandard products below the corresponding standards in the market.
4.2 All information and indications contained on the labels of oil bottles offered by FJT (and, in general, on the Products) are taken care of by the individual producing companies, which alone guarantee their correctness and truthfulness. FJT continually selects companies that produce the products with the highest quality standards but, while putting in place checks on the veracity of the information contained on the labels, it does not respond and does not guarantee in any way for the information contained on the labels and that they fully reflect the characteristics of the product. If you have any concerns, please contact us directly by e-mail at and FJT will take care to take action with the manufacturer to request any additional warranty or additional information requested and to report any irregularities to the appropriate authorities.
4.3 The essential characteristics of the Products offered by FJT are presented with special product sheets, visible directly on the Site. The images of the Products for sale on may, however, not be perfectly representative of their characteristics, but differ in color, size, accessory Products or other, also due to the characteristics of the Internet browser and / or monitor used. Such information to support the purchase are therefore intended as general information material and purely indicative.
5. Price and shipping charges
The prices of the Products published on the homepage and in the different sections of the Site are inclusive of VAT, but do not include any taxes, duties and duties applicable in the country of destination of the Products (where this is different from Italy), which will be borne by the Customer.
FJT reserves the right to change the prices of Products listed on the Site at any time. However, any changes in Product prices will not be effective against Customers who have already placed an Order.
The price for the purchase of the Products is also inclusive of shipping costs, which will be visible or communicated separately.
Shipping charges are posted in the specific section of the Site and are inclusive of VAT. FJT reserves the right to change the shipping charges for Products that are posted on the Site at any time. However, any changes to Product shipping charges will not be effective against Customers who have already placed an Order.
6. Payment
6.1 The Customer shall pay in full the price of the products ordered at the same time as placing the Order. It is understood that, in case of non-acceptance of the Order by FJT, it will refund to Customers, in the days immediately following payment and in any case promptly, any amounts paid by them.
As part of the Order submission process, payment will be made by credit card (e.g., Visa, MasterCard, American Express), either directly or through the secured "Paypal" system.
6.2 All financial information and data necessary for the transaction will be transmitted, through the service offered by Nexi with encryption systems in such a way as to ensure the confidentiality of the financial data and not of the holders of credit cardsthrough which the related remote electronic payment services are provided. Such information will never be used by FJT, except for reasons related to the proper execution of the contract, such as for example to complete the procedures inherent to the Customer's purchase or to issue the relevant refunds in your favor in the event of any returns of Products, following the exercise of your right of withdrawal, or if it is necessary to protect your rights or prevent and report to the police or other authorities the commission of fraud or other illegal acts.
6.3 Invoices will be issued exclusively in electronic format and only for each order for which the Customer has entered its tax code and VAT number and has made an explicit request. For the issuance of the invoice, the information provided by the Customer at the time of the Order shall be authentic. No change in the invoice will be possible after the invoice has been issued, except in the case of error or omission attributable to FJT. At the stage of placing the Order, it is necessary to indicate whether the shipping address is different from the billing address and, if applicable, the name of a delegate to receive delivery of the Products.
In the event that the Customer chooses not to enter his or her tax code or VAT number, FJT will not issue an invoice, nor will it certify payment by issuing a receipt or tax receipt in accordance with Articles 22, paragraph 1 Presidential Decree 633/72 and Article 2, letter oo) Presidential Decree 696/96.
7. Delivery
7.1 FJT sells and delivers the Products offered on its Site exclusively to its Customers and any proxies of such Customers who are over 18 (eighteen) years of age and, in any event, in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
7.2 FJT uses for deliveries packaging that guarantees the integrity of the Products transported.FJT delivers the Products to the address indicated by the Customer in the purchase procedure of the Site, through national and international couriers (mainly DHL), who assume full responsibility for delivery to the address indicated by the Customer from the moment of taking charge of the Products at FJT. FJT therefore assumes no responsibility for any damage or behavior of the couriers.
7.3 Deliveries are made only to the countries indicated on the Site. Periodically, FJT updates the list of countries. The Customer is therefore sent to check the availability of delivery before proceeding to complete the Order. FJT does not, in any case, make deliveries to Mail Boxes, to companies that provide domiciliation services or P.O. Boxes.
7.4 Regardless of the actual availability of the Products, FJT reserves the right not to accept or not to execute Orders that provide for the delivery of the relevant Products outside the Italian territory, i.e. in the Municipalities of Livigno or Campione d'Italia. For deliveries, FJT will use carriers selected by FJT itself and trusted by FJT.
7.5 FJT shall not be responsible for non-delivery or delayed delivery in the event that:
(a) despite having duly and timely purchased the Products to cover the Order received, it has not been supplied on the terms and in the manner agreed with the supplier;
(b) is unable to make up for the unavailability of such Products due to circumstances beyond its control;
(c) promptly notified the Customer of such unavailability of the Products.
In any case, where the Customer is a Consumer and the unavailability of the Products, due to any of the circumstances indicated in (a) and (b) above, does not allow the delivery of the Product within 30 (thirty) days from the placing of the Order by the Consumer, FJT will promptly refund to the Consumer - and, in any case, within 14 (fourteen) from the date of payment - any advance payment of the price.
7.6 FJT shall not be liable for non-delivery or delayed delivery due to force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, such as - but not limited to - strikes, Public Authority measures, rationing or shortages of energy or raw materials, transportation difficulties, fires, floods, and damage to industrial machinery beyond FJT's control. FJT will promptly notify the Customer of the occurrence and disappearance of a force majeure cause. If the cause of force majeure persists for a period exceeding 30 (thirty) days, either party shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract. In such a case of withdrawal, the Customer shall not be entitled to any compensation or indemnity for any reason whatsoever, without prejudice to the right to a refund of any amount already paid by way of price for the Product that is the subject of the Order and for its shipment in the ordinary way, within 14 days from the sending of the Order itself.
8. Warranty and complaint handling
8.1 All Products, other than foodstuffs, sold by FJT are covered by the manufacturer's warranty and, if purchased by Consumers, by FJT's 24-month warranty for conformity defects pursuant to articles 128 et seq. of Legislative Decree 206/2005. To benefit from warranty service, the Customer must keep the invoice, or, where non-existent, the delivery or transport document or other suitable written documentation.
8.2 Without prejudice to the guarantee under Art. 128 et seq. D. Lgs. 206/2005, if the Product purchased turns out to "know rancid" or have manufacturing defects, the Consumer may request the replacement of the same within the mandatory term of 14 days from receipt by e-mail to be sent to, In this case the Consumer is required to return the defective or damaged product in its original packaging intact in all its parts, including the cap. In case of replacement of the Product, the shipping costs for the return of the defective product shall be borne by the Customer, while the costs for shipping the new Product shall be borne by FJT.
8.3 FJT will then make the requested replacement within a reasonable period of time from receipt of the Consumer's request with an identical Product or, in the event of depletion of stock and upon agreement with the Consumer, with one of equivalent value. FJT invites the Consumer to describe in as much detail as possible the nature of the defect or fault found and, if necessary, to transmit the Order data, and any other data useful for the correct identification of the claim.
FJT recommends in any case to verify that the e-mails sent by it are not re-addressed or blocked by any 'spam filters' or do not reach their destination correctly due to other technical problems of the recipient Customer's e-mail program or in any case falling within the sphere of the latter's autonomy.
8.4 It is expressly understood that the preceding Sections 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 shall not apply in the case of defects found in Products purchased by Business Subjects, with respect to which FJT, subject to the mandatory limits of law, does not issue any conventional warranty.
9. Customer service
For any information, requests or assistance, FJT invites the Customer to contact in any case the following e-mail address:
10. Right of withdrawal and cancellation of Orders
The following rules regarding the right of withdrawal apply only in relation to Orders placed by Consumers. For this category of Customers, there is also the possibility to cancel the Order by promptly contacting Customer Service. The request for cancellation of the Order may not be granted if the Products are in the process of being shipped, or if FJT has otherwise already begun performance. In this eventuality, the Consumer, in the presence of the relevant conditions, may still make use of the right of withdrawal provided by the Consumer Code for the conclusion of distance contracts.
10.1 Information regarding the exercise of the right of withdrawal
Model instructions on withdrawal - pursuant to Article 49, paragraph 4 D. Lgs. 206/2005 -
Right of withdrawal
The Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract, without giving reasons, within 14 days.
The withdrawal period expires after 14 days:
- in the case of a contract of sale: from the day on which the Consumer, or a third party other than the carrier designated by the Consumer, acquires physical possession of the goods;
- in the case of a contract for multiple goods ordered by the Consumer in one order and delivered separately: from the day on which the Consumer or a third party, other than the carrier designated by the Consumer, acquires physical possession of the last good;
- in the case of a contract for the delivery of a good consisting of multiple lots or pieces: from the day on which the Consumer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by the Consumer, acquires physical possession of the last lot or piece;
- in the case of a contract for periodic delivery of goods during a specified period of time: from the day on which the Consumer or a third party, other than the carrier and designated by the Consumer, acquires physical possession of the first good.
In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the Consumer must inform FJT of his/her decision to withdraw from the contract by means of an explicit statement (letter sent by e-mail). For this purpose, the Consumer may use the standard withdrawal form in Section 10.3 below, but it is not mandatory.
10.2 Effects of withdrawal
If the Consumer withdraws from the contract, he/she shall be refunded all payments he/she has made to FJT, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from his/her possible choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by FJT), without undue delay and in any event no later than 14 days from the day on which FJT was informed of the Consumer's decision to withdraw from the contract. Such refunds shall be made by bank transfer or by using the same means of payment used by the Consumer for the initial transaction, unless otherwise agreed with the Consumer; in any event, the Consumer shall not incur any costs as a consequence of such refund.
However, the refund may be suspended until receipt of the goods or until the consumer demonstrates that he/she has returned the goods, whichever is earlier. The Customer is requested to return the goods or deliver them to FJT S.r.l. C/O Via dell'artigianato 75/77 57121 Livorno (LI), without undue delay and in any case within 15 days of receipt of the Customer Service email authorizing the return.
The costs of returning the Products in relation to which the withdrawal has been exercised will be borne by the Customer.
The Consumer is liable for the diminution in the value of the goods resulting from handling the goods other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
Exclusion of the right of withdrawal
The right of withdrawal of the Consumer under this article is subject to the exclusions provided for in Legislative Decree 206/2005. In particular, this right may not be exercised with reference to the supplies of:
- Custom-made or clearly customized goods;
- assets that are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly;
- sealed goods that are not suitable for return for hygienic or health protection-related reasons and have been opened after delivery;
10.3 Standard withdrawal form - pursuant to Article 49, paragraph 1 (h) -
Recipient: FJTytherleigh Italia S.r.l, Via dell'artigianato 75/77 57121 Livorno (LI),
I/we (*) hereby give notice of withdrawal from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods/services (*)
-Ordered on(*)/received on(*)
-Name of consumer(s).
-Address of the consumer(s)
- Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is served in paper version)
- Date
(*) Delete unnecessary wording.
10.4. Instructions for exercising the right of withdrawal provided for the Consumer
10.4.1 In the communication, the Consumer shall indicate the Product or Products for which he/she intends to exercise the right of withdrawal, the order number and date of the order, the invoice number, and his/her bank details (IBAN code). The Products must be returned undamaged in the agreed manner and within the agreed terms.
10.4.2 The only costs to be borne by the Consumer are the direct costs of returning the purchased Products.
10.4.3 The Right of Withdrawal, in addition to compliance with the terms and procedures described in 10.4.1, 10.4.2 above, shall be deemed to have been properly exercised if the following Conditions of the Right of Withdrawal are fully complied with:
- Products purchased must be substantially intact and sealed;
- the Products must be returned in their original packaging (in the case of multiple bottles within the same package, all bottles must be returned);
- returned Products related to the same order must be sent to FJT in one shipment. FJT reserves the right not to accept bottles or Products from the same order returned and shipped at different times;
The costs and activities for the return of the goods will be borne by the Customer, who will be responsible in case of loss or damage of the Products. The Products arrived in the warehouse will be examined to assess any damage or tampering (the substantial integrity of the returned goods is an essential condition for the proper exercise of the right of withdrawal);
We recommend the utmost care in preparing the package using the original packaging; the Products must not have been used or damaged;
It is expressly reiterated that the right of withdrawal is reserved only for natural persons, already previously defined as "Consumers" in paragraph 1.2; therefore, any purchases made by resellers or by persons who in any capacity purchase in the exercise of their entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity, or their intermediaries, remain excluded;
Notice of withdrawal must be properly completed and submitted to FJT within fourteen (14) business days of receipt of the Products pursuant to Section 10.1.
The Products in relation to which the withdrawal has been exercised must be returned within 15 days of receipt of the return authorization email, properly packaged in their original packaging, in perfect condition (not ruined, damaged or soiled) and equipped with all possible accessories, instructions for use and documentation, the transport document (present in the original packaging), so as to allow FJT to identify the Consumer (Order number, first name, last name and address);
In the case of premium operations (so-called promotions), in which the purchase of a Product is combined with another Product that is sold at a derisory price or even free, the right of withdrawal will be legitimately exercised with the return of both Products object of the Order given the constraint of the ancillary nature of the good in promotion with respect to the first.
Where the return of the FJT Product is not made in accordance with all that is prescribed in this Section 10.4, the withdrawal shall not be effective.
10.4.4 If the Right of Withdrawal is exercised in accordance with the procedures and terms indicated in this paragraph 10.4., FJT shall refund any sums already collected for Products purchased directly from the Site in the shortest time possible and, in any event, within fourteen (14) days from the date on which FJT became aware of the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the Consumer, without prejudice to FJT's right to suspend said refund pursuant to paragraph 10.2 until receipt of the goods or until the Consumer has demonstrated that he/she has returned the goods, whichever is earlier. The refund procedure will be activated once it has been verified that the above terms and conditions have been properly complied with, as set forth in paragraph 11 below.
10.4.5 If the terms and procedures for exercising the right of withdrawal have not been complied with, the Consumer shall not be entitled to a refund of the sums already paid to FJT or to the issuance of any credit claimed. It will still be possible to re-obtain, at the Consumer's expense, the Products in the state in which they were returned to FJT. Otherwise, FJT may retain the Products, in addition to the sums already paid for their purchase.
11. Time and method of reimbursement
11.1 Having carried out the return of the Products, FJT shall make the necessary verifications regarding the conformity of the same with the conditions and terms indicated in paragraph 10.4.3. In the event that the verifications are positively concluded, FJT shall send to the Customer, via e-mail, the relevant confirmation of acceptance of the Products thus returned.
11.2 Regardless of the method of payment used, the refund shall be activated by FJT in the shortest time possible and in any event within fourteen (14) days from the date on which FJT became aware of the exercise of your right of withdrawal, subject to verification of the proper execution of the right of withdrawal itself and acceptance of the returned Products. This is without prejudice to FJT's right to suspend reimbursement under Section 10.2 until receipt of the Goods or until the consumer demonstrates that he or she has returned the Goods.
11.3 In the event that there is a mismatch between the recipient of the Products indicated in the order form and the person who made the payment of the sums due for their purchase, the refund of the sums, in the event of the exercise of the right of withdrawal, will be carried out by FJT, in each case, against the person who made the payment.
12. Gift Vouchers Purchase Vouchers
12.1 We offer Gift Vouchers and Purchase Vouchers. Gift Vouchers can be purchased on the Site. Purchase Vouchers cannot be purchased on the Site, but are offered by FJT as part of promotional campaigns, for limited periods.
12.2 Please note that Gift Vouchers and Purchase Vouchers follow partially different conditions. In addition, Gift Vouchers and Purchase Vouchers are only used with respect to certain types of Products, also in accordance with what will be indicated on the Site.
13. Conditions for the collection of gift certificates
13.1. Gift Vouchers (the "Gift Vouchers") are prepaid vouchers issued by FJT that can be purchased by Customers and are redeemable exclusively for the purchase of Products within the Site as well as for participation in the Oil School.
13.2. The Gift Voucher cannot be used to purchase additional Gift Vouchers. For the purchase of Gift Vouchers, payment can be made by credit card or through the secured system "Paypal".
13.3. The Gift Voucher may only be used by the bearer prior to placing the Order, without prejudice to the Customer´s ability to use the Gift Voucher for subsequent purchases. The Gift Voucher is not redeemable for cash and no interest accrues on the credit represented by the Gift Voucher. Within each individual Order procedure, the credits represented by each Gift Certificate are cumulative with each other. Within each individual Order procedure, the credits represented by Gift Vouchers are also cumulative with the credits represented by a Purchase Voucher.
13.4. Cancellation of an Order for the purchase of a Gift Voucher may be made through Customer Service, provided that the Gift Voucher itself has not yet been used, in the manner provided for the exercise of the right of withdrawal in Section 10 above. A Gift Voucher shall be deemed to have been used if it has been used as part of an Order or credited to a Customer's account, as reported in the private area of the Site.
13.5. If the credit represented by a Gift Certificate is less than the price of the Order (only in the case of purchase of products), the difference can be settled by the Customer with the other permitted methods of payment.
13.6. FJT shall in no way be responsible for lost, stolen or illegible paper Gift Certificates. In addition, FJT shall not be liable in the event of errors in the Customer's communication of the email address of the recipient of the Gift Certificate.
13.7 The Gift Certificate is transferable. However, reproduction, publication and/or manipulation of the Gift Certificate is not permitted. In the event of fraud, embezzlement, or suspected illegal activity in connection with the purchase or encashment of a Gift Certificate, FJT reserves the right to report the incident to the appropriate public safety authorities and to take any appropriate action to protect its rights and interests, including suspending or closing the Customer account or denying generally permitted methods of payment.
14. Conditions for the collection of purchase vouchers
14.1 Purchase Vouchers available on the Site (the "Purchase Vouchers") are valid until the term indicated and can be used only once within an Order procedure. The Purchase Voucher can only be used before validating the Order (before clicking on "Confirm Order" at the end of the Order procedure). No reduction can be applied after this point. It should be noted that the Purchase Vouchers will only be usable for the purchase of certain specific FJT Products, as better indicated on the Site.
14.2. A Purchase Voucher is not redeemable for cash and no interest accrues on the credit represented by the Purchase Voucher. The credit represented by a Purchase Voucher is not assignable to third parties. The credits represented by each individual Purchase Voucher are not cumulative with each other.
14.3 The value of the FJT Products purchased with the Purchase Voucher must be at least the amount of the Purchase Voucher itself. In the event of purchases totaling less than the amount of the Purchase Voucher, any remaining amount cannot be refunded or credited to the Customer.
14.4 If the credit represented by a Purchase Voucher is less than the total price to be paid for an Order, the difference may be settled by the other permitted methods of payment.
14.5 The Purchase Voucher will be refunded with another Purchase Voucher of equal value if the Products are returned in whole or in part.
15. Participation in the Oil School
15.1On the site olivevive.ityou can purchase participation in training courses held by official tasters in various parts of Italywith the aim of learning to learn more about the organoleptic properties of extra virgin olive oil through tastings, tastings and culinary pairings. The school has merely informative, cultural, recreational and promotional purposeswithout any claim to issue certificates and/or official recognition.
16. Protection of personal data
The processing of Customers' personal data by FJT will be carried out with respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the persons concerned, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Code and the information made available to Customers at the time of registration with the Site and prior to placing an Order.
For any further information about our Privacy Policy you can send inquiries to our email address or to the address of FJT's registered office, Via dell'artigianato, 75/77 57121 Livorno (LI) Italy.
17. Modification of the General Conditions of Sale
On the occasion of any amendment to these General Conditions of Sale, FJT will promptly post the amended General Conditions of Sale on the Site.
The modified General Terms and Conditions of Sale will become an integral part of the new Contracts, as of the first Order placed by Customers, following their publication on the Site. In the case of Orders already placed before such notice, the previous version of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale will apply.
18. Substitution clause
Should any present or future provision of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and/or the contract be or become wholly or partially void and/or ineffective, or should there be a lacuna in the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and/or the contract, the remaining provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and the contract shall in any event remain valid and effective. It is understood that FJT and the Customer will endeavor to negotiate in good faith the integration of the gap or the replacement of the void and/or ineffective clause with the aim of achieving the same results pursued by the invalid or ineffective clause and safeguarding the economic substance of the contract.
19. Applicable law and dispute resolution
19.1 The General Terms and Conditions of Sale are governed by Italian law and in particular by Legislative Decree No. 206 of September 6, 2005, Consumer Code, with specific reference to regulations on distance contracts concluded with Consumers and by Legislative Decree No. 70 of April 9, 2003 on certain aspects concerning electronic commerce.
19.2 The sale of Products and/or provision of services takes place in the territory of the Italian State and is subject to the laws in force in the Italian Republic. The court of jurisdiction for the resolution of any dispute relating to contracts for the purchase of Products shall be exclusively that of Livorno, without prejudice to the application of the mandatory rules for the protection of the Consumer referred to in Legislative Decree no. 206/2005.