Filtered or unfiltered, EVO oil is good if it is made from excellent raw materials, however, the problem is on the storage time.

Why always choose a filtered extra virgin olive oil?

Unfiltered oil with the passage of time deteriorates. Sediment and water remaining in the oil tend to cause the olive oil to oxidize, thus removing polyphenols and altering taste and freshness. Conversely,filtered extra virgin olive oil ensures the consumer a fresh and tasty extra virgin olive oil even for a medium to long period of time.

Filtration thus achieves a stabilization of the olive oil. This drives away the compounds and enzymes that take part in the chemical reactions that originate defects, consequently slowing their appearance. Given that these reactions are very rapid, defects within an unfiltered oil can appear as early as a few hours after its production. It is therefore strongly advisable to carry out the filtration operation as soon as possible, preferably even directly at the mill, that is, "in line" with the production of the oil itself.

All oils in our selection are filtered at origin.


Cover photo: Olio Intini

Filtered EVO oil